
Outcome Frameworks and Benefit Definition

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Outcome Frameworks and Benefit Definition.


Establishment of an organisational outcomes framework that enables decision makers to shape initiatives that will deliver maximum value. It enables a simple and sophisticated monitoring, reporting and evaluation of organisational activities. It articulates the benefits, key performance indicators, measures, baselines and targets of initiatives.


Organisations use a range of reporting methods to provide confidence to themselves and their stakeholders that they are on the right track. These include corporate plans, business plans, annual reports and monthly reports. These documents, although essential, usually focus on things that can be easily measured but often provide limited evidence that valued outcomes are being achieved.

Innox Solutions can develop a outcomes framework that clearly outlines what value the organisation delivers to its customers, community and stakeholders. The framework is substantiated by the shared agreement and articulation of organisational, program and initiative benefits, key performance indicators and associated measures. In addition to the traditional method of tracking success, time and budget, this approach adds another critical element to that mix. Namely, have the organisational efforts, resources and investments resulted in the delivery of expected benefits? The approach establishes a simple and elegant benefits monitoring, reporting and evaluation functionality whilst directing organisational activities to deliver maximum value.

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If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.


Business Case Advice & Review

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Business Case Advice & Review.


Provision of independent assurance that focuses on assessing the robustness and policy merit of initiatives. This service can be initiated pre-budget business case development and as a validation of existing business cases. Advice provided is in line with the Victorian Government Investment Lifecycle Guidelines, Investment Management standard and Gateway Review Process.


  • New initiative concept development, policy research and development, investment
    prioritisation, strategic planning and grant development.
  • Advice on application of the Victorian Government Department of Treasury and
  • Finance’s Investment Management standard and Investment Lifecycle Guidelines when
    developing new initatives and programs.

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If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.


Portfolio Investment Prioritisation

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Portfolio Investment Prioritisation.


Enables decision-makers to understand and prioritise investment proposals within a portfolio or program of work that addresses a broader strategic set of problems and benefits.


Most organisations operate an annual budget and planning cycle where the need for new investment or changed investment priorities is considered, potential investments proposals are identified, and decisions are made as to how the budget will be spent. These decisions are often within the context of a portfolio or program of work. The people charged with making these decisions require a clear understanding of the challenges to the organisation (now and into the future), the benefits that need to be delivered and agreed criteria to evaluate competing bids. Without this shared understanding and common assessment criteria, investment decisions are more difficult and often less certain.

Innox Solutions can establish a new or refining the existing investment prioritisation framework that responds to the needs and challenges facing the organisation over the next period (e.g. 5–10 years) that will require consideration of new investments or change of current investment priorities.  The anticipated benefits of the approach are:

  • better engagement of senior executives and key stakeholders;
  • improved articulation of the need for new investment or a change to current
  • investment priorities and the establishment of strong prioritisation criteria;
  • substantial reduction in the number of ‘irrelevant’ investment ideas;
  • better investment solutions; and
  • time and cost efficiencies





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If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.


Strategy and Policy

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Strategy and Policy.


Development of innovative, robustly developed and evidence-based strategies and policies that respond to real needs and deliver maximum outcomes.


The ability to identify the changing needs of society and develop policy or strategy that will best respond to these needs is central to good management. Organisations must develop policies and strategies with a full and shared understanding of the need, and full comprehension of the broader implications of the policy and strategy on responding to identified needs, taking advantage of opportunities, delivering benefits and implementing requirements.

Innox Solutions applies a logical and principled approach that generates innovative and considerate policy and strategy development. It is based on engaging with those people who most understand the need for new policy or strategy, systematically develop policy responses that are evidence-based, innovative, practical and benchmarked against best practice. Contact us, to see how Innox Solutions can assist your organisation in developing robust policies and strategies.

Get in touch with us

If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.


Quality Assurance of Investment Logic Maps, Benefits Management Plans & Response Options Analysis Reports

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Quality Assurance of Investment Logic Maps, Benefits Management Plans & Response Options Analysis Reports.


Organisations and Investment Management facilitators can submit their Investment Logic Maps, Benefits Management Maps and Plans, Response Options Analysis Reports and Investment Concept Briefs for independent quality assurance.

Get in touch with us

If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.


Investment Management Training and Coaching

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Investment Management Training and Coaching.


Extensive experience and expertise in the delivery of high-quality Investment Management standard (IMS) workshops including problem, benefit, strategic response and solution. Production of premium Investment Logic Maps, Benefits Management Maps and Plans, Strategic Options Analysis Reports and Investment Concept Briefs.


The Facilitator training course is a program that focuses on the shaping of individual investments. It educates participants on how an Investment Logic Map, Benefits Management Plan, Strategic Response and Investment Concept Brief is structured and provides practical advice on how to conduct Problem, Benefit, Strategic Response and Solution Definition workshop(s).

The training is aimed for people wanting to understand more about the Investment Management standard and how it can be applied to their organisations. It is also highly recommended for individuals who wish to be accredited facilitators. On behalf of the Victorian Government, the accredited facilitator training is provided by Fankhauser and Associates. Innox Solutions has been working closely with Fankhauser and Associates to deliver the training. More information on the training can be found by clicking here.

Coaching services are available for individuals that require support in applying the Investment Management standard to their specific organisational circumstances. Additionally, aspiring and existing facilitators might require additional guidance and support. Contact us for a full description of coaching and support services

Get in touch with us

If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.


Investment Management Facilitator Accreditation

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Investment Management Facilitator Accreditation.


On behalf of the Victorian Government, the Investment Management Facilitator Accreditation is being administered by Innox Solutions. The accreditation and reaccreditation process enable aspiring and current facilitators to develop their capability in delivering appropriate Investment Management workshops and produce high quality Investment Logic Maps, Benefit Management Maps and Plans, Strategic Response Options Analysis Reports and Investment Concept Briefs. For more detail on IMS Facilitator Accreditation, click on the button below.

Get in touch with us

If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.


Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops.

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Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops.


Extensive experience and expertise in the delivery of high-quality Investment Management standard (IMS) workshops including problem, benefit, strategic response and solution. Production of premium Investment Logic Maps, Benefits Management Maps and Plans, Strategic Options Analysis Reports and Investment Concept Briefs.


The IMS is a process for applying simple, common-sense ideas and practices that help organisations direct their resources to achieve the best outcomes from their investments. It supports Government to identify and select the investments that provide the most benefit to society. The IMS follows a clear and logical ‘line of enquiry’.

Each step in the ‘line of enquiry’ represents an opportunity to conduct an intelligent discussion with the people who know most about the problem, benefits and can design innovative and robust solutions. These conversations are conducted using structured workshops which sequentially generate a number of products, most notably the Investment Logic Map. Other important products include the Benefits Management Map and Plan, Strategic Options Analysis Report and Investment Concept Briefs.

Innox Solutions has extensive experience in the application of the IMS methodology at initiative and program level and delivery of high-quality problem, benefit, strategic response and solution IMS workshops and production of high-quality Investment Logic Maps, Benefits Management Plans, Strategic Options Analysis Reports and Investment Concept Briefs.

Innox solution has been working extensively across the Federal, State and Local Governments, Not-for-Profit organisations and Private sectors covered the full range of investment types, from small to large infrastructure and asset investments to complex policy and program developments to develop high quality Investment Management Products.

Download examples of fictional Investment management products.

Get in touch with us

If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.