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Outcome Frameworks and Benefit Definition.


Establishment of an organisational outcomes framework that enables decision makers to shape initiatives that will deliver maximum value. It enables a simple and sophisticated monitoring, reporting and evaluation of organisational activities. It articulates the benefits, key performance indicators, measures, baselines and targets of initiatives.


Organisations use a range of reporting methods to provide confidence to themselves and their stakeholders that they are on the right track. These include corporate plans, business plans, annual reports and monthly reports. These documents, although essential, usually focus on things that can be easily measured but often provide limited evidence that valued outcomes are being achieved.

Innox Solutions can develop a outcomes framework that clearly outlines what value the organisation delivers to its customers, community and stakeholders. The framework is substantiated by the shared agreement and articulation of organisational, program and initiative benefits, key performance indicators and associated measures. In addition to the traditional method of tracking success, time and budget, this approach adds another critical element to that mix. Namely, have the organisational efforts, resources and investments resulted in the delivery of expected benefits? The approach establishes a simple and elegant benefits monitoring, reporting and evaluation functionality whilst directing organisational activities to deliver maximum value.

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If you believe that we are the right firm who can assist with Investment Logic Maps and full suite of Investment Management standard Workshops, please send us your contact details via the below form and we will get in touch with you.